Postgraduate Studies

Hi! In today´s post I am going to tell you about a postgraduate course that I would consider taking in the future. Well, the graduate course I would like to take is a Master of Educational Psychology.

I am thinking on taking a master´s degree in Educational Psychology because, despite the fact that I know a lot about the educational system and how the schools, and the educational psychologists, operates (I am a philosophy teacher and I worked 4 years doing classes before studying psychology), it would allow me to have better and more specific knowledge in areas of my interest and, also, have better performance at a future work.

The specific subject that I would like to study in the magister are related to the research line of situated learning and educational inclusion, such as: learning in situations of vulnerability, and educational inclusion and attention to diversity.

On the other hand, if I did this master, I would like to study in Chile (probably at the University of Chile or at the University of Concepción, my first house of studies), not abroad. I know that studying abroad perhaps would allow me to have a broader and new vision on educational issues, but I prefer to be close to my home, to my family, and close to the educational context in which I will work in the future.

Finally, I would like to study in the study system that usually occurs in Chile, which generally consists of having classes 3 or 4 days a week, and in the afternoon. This would allow me to work and study at the same time.

Well friends, that is all what I have thought so far about a postgraduate degree that I would like to study in the future. 
I hope I can do it!

See you :)

355 mejores imágenes de Psicologia Educativa | Psicologia educativa,  Intervencion educativa, Psicologia


  1. Hi Dani! First of all, I would like to tell you that I really admire that you continue studying, hahaha, I couldn't!
    I congratulate you for your interest in the educational area and reintegration! I think that is the kind of approach that is needed in the future.

  2. Hi! I am studing psychology to, and educational psychology it's also my main area of interest! I really want to leanr about inclusivity in a school enviroment, and hope to be able to take an elective that it's just about that! but I could't take it this semester because my class hours would't let me :c

  3. That is so nice. I wish you the best, sounds hard you know, like a lot of studying! Educational Psychology sounds fundamental to the educational system of Chile.

  4. Wow you have studied a lot haha and Educational Psychology seems really hard, i admire you a lot. And I also would like to study in Concepcion :)


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